Friday, November 11, 2011

Two upcoming MMOs have caught my attention. Star Wars: Old Republic and Guild Wars 2 (which is somewhat amusing because I couldn't stand the first GW).

Both look interesting. Guild Wars 2 looks visually stunning. Both have aspects that sound interesting to me and both keep their pvp largely separate from their pve, a must because I am not an MMO-pvp fan in the slightest.

Alas, the release date for SWTOR is Dec 20. GW 2 just says "sometime in 2011"... which, is coming to an end pretty quickly here guys!

Not that I have time to play something so involved as an MMO.... only it's been so very long since I had one I enjoyed and I should quite like to, maybe, one day, schedule permitting, play again. :(

But until I learn me some "all things in moderation, including video games" I'ma probably stay away from both. Boooo.

I watched a couple of episodes of that new show Once Upon A Time... yea. Really basic plot holes drive me nuts, especially when they're blatantly ignored because having people take the next logical fucking step that anyone in their place would, would pretty much end the story dead in its tracks. To that I say; so don't ignore it, either find a way to effectively neutralize it as an option, or find a way to have said next logical step happen, and still keep the story going. Part of our jobs as writers. That's not an easy answer but hey, you're the one who decided to write the story that way and this shit comes with the territory. Unless you're a big name I guess? In which case you can ignore it after all?

The thorn in question being the fact that early on, Henry's mother very clearly lays out how the law works for closed case adoptions and lack of rights on the birth mothers side to go digging that up again later (when she's the one who requested it be closed to begin with). So the fact that Emma's now hanging around Henry against his adoptive mother's wishes is pretty cut and dried. You call the cops, ask for a restraining order, press charges based on the evidence of her continuously hanging around your son and whatever else.

The cops come and say "ma'am, I'm afraid you have to leave" and escort her away! But then she couldn't stick around and we'd have no plot and no tv show...

Of course, it is television and I don't know if television show writers have more or less say than they do in movies (which is to say, none in movies). If less or the same, then there's a reasonable chance the omission wasn't the writer's fault. Annnd I'm bored with this topic!

Time to go sleep!

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