Saturday, November 12, 2011

All Hail The Crickets!

I'm having one of those days where I'd very much like to be writing... and I very much don't know what to write. That is, when I tell myself “Brain, just write anything.” my brain goes blank. Terribly, frustratingly blank. And I find myself unable to come up with even something simple to write. Like, absolutely blank. I keep wanting to write something “different”, but I have no idea what that actually means. Define different brain.


Okaaay, different how?


Does it involve muskrats?



Mostly crickets, a slight sense that no, it does not involve aliens. I guess that's something...? Yes?


Badgers? (what is with you and small, furry mammals anyways?)

Crickets! Defiant, viciously blank, mother-fucking crickets! (is there a hyphen between mother and fucking on that? I can never remember? CRICKETS!!!!!!!!) everywhere I turn. CRICKETS!

Ahem, in other news, it is as I feared (man that sounded fucking formal, jesus what's wrong with me to- no, wait, I'm not finishing that, I already know what the damn answer will be. Can you guess? Can you?) my tapioca didn't set, even after it cooled. I added a bit more sugar and vanilla (it's ok because I'd actually cut back on the sugar when I made it, won't that learn me!) and put it back on in the hopes that I could burn off some of the excess liquid without wrecking it. I made it taste more interesting (it was sadly bland. Not bad tasting, just bland), but I don't think it'll thicken up anymore. Ah well, lesson learned. I'll just have to eat runny tapioca.

I had some low-key (for me) dreams. They were fun and mostly pleasant and involved some athletic tackling of stairs and stairwells by yours truly. Weeeee!

Also, I want a cat. I probably shouldn't have a cat right now, especially with the terrible, newly discovered cat allergy I picked up somehow, but I want a cute, cuddly, soft, awesome, loving, follows-me-everywhere-around-the-house-and-not-just-for-the-food kitty-cat. This is the part where you imagine me heaving a terrible sigh, meant to convey, in that one motion, all of my current loneliness and want for such a thing.

Well, now that I've brightened both our days up. Byebye.

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