Thursday, November 24, 2011

Trying Something New

Waaaay back, I cut myself off video games completely because they were becoming an atrociously inexcusable time sink from which I could not pull myself away.

I have decided to try something a little different. I'm only allowed to play video games on my "free day" (the day I have no obligations*), but only if I get certain other things done during the week. How many of those things I get done determines how many hours I get to park my ass in front of the computer and zone out in video game bliss. My god I must be terribly boring. Too bad!

To that end, I shall be purchasing the much hyped Skyrim (assuming I can find a copy in this tiny ass, fucking, shit town) for to be whiling my time away in. I will almost, probably be purchasing either the Star Wars or Guild Wars 2 MMO when they come out. Not sure which yet.

I feel like I've let you all down again. So little funny gets posted here again as of late. I am sorry for that. I just really haven't been in a very funny mood lately.

*Unless I get a dog of course who will still need to relieve on a regular basis. Unless I can somehow train my dog to hold its needs for exercise and bowel relievement** for an entire day. And if I could do that, FUCK CESAR! I would be Queen, queen I tell you, of doggies everywhere!MUHAHAHAHAHA!

**Naturally spellchecker hates the word relievement. I'm a writer spellchecker, we make shit up. Deal. One of these days spellchecker and I are going to don gloves and step into the ring and it will be on! Now, I'm not a bettin' man, but if I were, my money'd be on me. Spellchecker is very concerned with rules and propriety and doing things right. Meanwhile, I'll be sweeping dirt into spellchecker's eyes and punching it in the junk. "Spellchecker doesn't have junk" "Punch it there anyways!" *This is the sound of spellchecker being punched in the junk. Imagine as you will* "Spellchecker has junk!"

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