Here is a link.
I should be strong today. I should get stuff done, not spend the entire day in Skyrim. I should....
I have slayed dragons! I snuck up on a dragon!
I am a terrible hero. And compulsive collector of anything that isn't nailed to the floor (and believe me, I've tried to get those as well).
I have part of a post for this that I need to flog myself to finish and post because it's kinda funny (mostly at me).
My first inclination in almost any game like this is to raise my carrying capacity. Even before damage or armor. Why? So I can carry more stuffses! More stuffs is more monehs! And more flowers. More bowls, pots, armor, lanterns, emblaming tools, pickaxes, linen wrappings, ruined books and barnacles! I HAZ STUFFSES!
Dammit. I told myself yesterday that if I played then, I'd have to be productive today. But my will is weak... And the urge to avoid life is strong. And, and, and... there are internet dragons to slay. Because apparently one cannot play single player games without a mandatory internet connection anymore. Which is an angry, frothing, fist-waving rant for another time.
Perhaps I shall stare at animals I cannot afford atm. Soon animals. Soon you will be mine.
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