Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Interesting Article on The Brain


"The left side of the brain is generally in control of the following: language, math, and logic.

The right side of the brain takes over other functions, including: imagery, including facial recognition, music, and spacial relations."

---Got me thinking about correlations between certain things based on brain dominance. Do right brained people, feel differently about music? Stronger? More in tune with it? Does it mean more to them? Do they process music differently.

Some people only care about the lyrics of a song, others the music, others need the whole thing to be good to really enjoy it/get the most out of it. Does brain dominance make a difference in which one of those a person is?

Is the left-brained person more inclined to listen to the lyrics while the right-brained focuses on the musical sounds themselves? what about people who don't have one side significantly more dominant than the other? Are they the ones who need for every part of the "musical package" to be just right to work for them?

I don't have these answers. Hell I don't even know if these answers exist, but it's fun to muse and ponder. :)

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