Monday, July 7, 2008

I Can Haz Internet Again!

New computer is up and running, missing lots, but internet is a go. YAY!!!!!!!!!

Still installing practically everything. None of my writing has been moved over to the new HD yet.

But yay, after much frustration I am at least online again!


Blackfire said...

Yay!!! I share your excitement! How does it feel to use the new one! I really love starting up a new computer, it is really exciting.

Wologal said...


*does the happy dance of joy*

It feels greeeeat! It boots up so. damn. fast.

And it's so clean right now, not all cluttered with sixteen million piles of virtual shit. Sadly this will not last, though I am trying to be extra organized and anal about this one. It'll last for a little while. ;)

At least I partitioned my drive so I can do fresh installs of windows when I need to without losing most my stuff. Someone else installed the OS last time so it didn't get partitioned. :(

Wish I'd remembered to make a third partition though. Want to try dual booting windows and linux. Might still do it, need to read up on dual booting when the OS's are on two different physical drives. *Realizes shes rambling on about boring shit no one cares about* :)

Blackfire said...

Oh, you're not rambling! I really like the sound of that!

I always wanted to try and do Mac and Windeows at the same time. I partially got it once as well! But it was only a really old very of one of the OS, and so I have to look into it a bit more. But it really would be cool to have more then 1 OS on one system, especially when different programs are offered on the different OS!

Also I heard that Linux has been overtaken by a new company and is like heaps good now, though it was always pretty good from what I've heard. I would really like to try that OS out, just for something new. I already like mac better then windows, though windows is the more popular computer in my household.

^_^' look who's rambling now....

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to the world of the intertubes Wolo! :D

Wologal said...

@Blackfire Lol s'ok. Twas your turn. :)

Yea, I'm gonna have to look into it further because it appears you need the CD and there's tricks or something to installing Linux on a system that's already running Windows. Which means buying CDs and getting my burner up and running.

Linux has always been good, just not friendly to people who weren't... coders I guess. It wasn't easy to use and yea, support for certain things (games) was really lacking. It's gotten a lot easier to navigate and move around in. Admittedly most this isn't first hand since I don't have it installed on my system. But from what I've seen and read.

You can finally do the Mac/Windows dual, but from what I understand it only works with certain systems based on components. I think Intel ones?? Not something I'd do so not something I have a lot of info on.

I wish I liked Macs more, lots of good writer/writing programs on them I hear.

heh. I had to use Macs for a 4 month internship and it drove me nuts. Buggiest, crashiest things I've ever run into. They were incredibly frustrating to use. I don't want to get into a Mac vs Windows argument because it's like trying to argue religion or politics with someone. No ones going to change their mind and everyones a zealot. :)

If you do get to try Linus out, Ubuntu and Kubuntu are supposed to be very good. There's another one, but I can't remember the name. Of course the which flavor of Linux is better is a whole 'nother can of worms. Personally, I think it just depends on the person and what they want to use it for.

Dammit I did it again *presents comment novel*

Wologal said...


Thanks! ;) It's good to be back.

Blackfire said...

lol, the only reason I actually want a mac is because of all the cool programs they have. I still have quite a while until I get a new computer, but I must admit, I really am very fond of my computer. I run windows and I've had it for almost a year, it runs really good!

I would really like to one day test Linux out, I've heard its become really good!

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