Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dumb question

How are you two following blogs? I can't seem to find where I go to enable this.... *hides in corner*


Blackfire said...

If you go to your Dashboard, you will see a gadget that will let you add blogs and follow them. The new posts will then show up on Google reader. ^^

Anonymous said...

What Lyra said.

And, sometimes, you just go to the blog you want to follow and there will be a link that allows you to do so there...though this only works for blogspot blogs.

Wologal said...

Thank you both. :)

Blackfire said...

Or you can also put it in as an RSS feed. If you go right down the bottom of the page there should be a link. That way you can either have it as a book mark, or again in the google reader. ^^ It's a handy feature.

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