Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I haz an Outline!

Well, what passes for one for me at least. It's done. Whew!

I also have a tentative title. Now to hammer out some of the noticed plot problems and then get back to writing.

Hopefully starting a new job soon and am taking one course this semester so between all that finding time to write could be problematic. I will do mah bestest.

I'm officially the farthest in plotting and writing of anything I've ever done. I've got about 30-40 thousand words actually written for this story. More if you want to count the copious amount of notes I've made for it. Most of which didn't make it into the outline I posted on 2YN. Damn thing's big enough as it is.


Anonymous said...

Congrats Wolo!

I can't wait till we start writing...I just hope my outline is down by then...heh-heh...minor details. *g*

Wologal said...

Thanks! grats to you as well on how much you've accomplished!

Writing's just around the corner. :)

Blackfire said...

Congrats Wolo! That's great news!

Wologal said...

Thanks Blackfire! You must be super excited yourself. :)

Blackfire said...

Yeah I can't wait for the writing, but I have so much more to do!

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