Monday, August 11, 2008

Street Kings

Is an interesting movie and worth a watch. I'm not even going to attempt to give you a plot summary because it might spoil the movie for you, and because it changes a lot throughout the story. They did a great job of keeping the anti-hero protag very much a "someone you're not quite sure you should root for" kind of guy. It's a shades of grey movie, strongly so. If you're looking for a clear-cut, hero wins all flick, this ain't for you. It's fairly violent and decently bloody.

Bigger, Stronger, Faster
Aweosme documentary. Want to have your beliefs about sterioids challenged? Watch this. The bit about Ben Johnson versus Carl Lewis is absolutely sad and fascinating all at once. The man should not have had his medal taken away by Carl Lewis of all people. Seriously, very good movie with moments that really make you think and question the crap we've been fed on this subject.


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