Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Forbidden Kingdom

Saw it over the weekend. Not a big movie reviewing type of person, so here's the quick and dirty version. Awesome movie, sure the plot is technically predictable as all hell, but honestly I didn't really notice that during the movie. It's pretty much everything I like from the genre, breathtaking scenery and costume, incredible awe factor, spectacular fight scenes without too much wire-fu for those who aren't a fan of that sort of thing. Imaginative. Go see it.

Also Hellboy 2 is shaping up to be a frickin' wicked looking movie. Mike Mignola's creative genuis plus Guillermo Del Toro's = awesome! The youtube trailers don't actually do the movie justice. The movie trailer we saw waiting for Kingdom to start does. I was jazzed before for this, now I'm... er more jazzed. :)


Anonymous said...

Good, cause I'm watching The Forbidden Kingdom this weekend. ;) My money's on the chick whose hair is a weapon. Thank you for not giving away spoilers <3

Blackfire said...

Oh... That sounds really cool! I live in Australia so it will be ages before the trailers even come out here, unless for some reason they are quicker this time and I have missed them!

Have you ever seen 10,000BC, its only new here, I went to see it a couple weeks ago, and I am full on in love with that movie, the second is 300 and the third is of course lord of the rings! I love movies with awesome fighting scenes, the ones that make you sit there, your mouth hanging open as your think, Wow!

Wologal said...

@Soleil no problem, spoiling movies for people isn't my thing unless they ask.

heheh I love fight scenes. I'm totally an action movie kind of gal. Never mind that sappy love crap! rofl give me crazy fight scenes and explosions every time.

Wait is 10,000BC that new Vin Diesel movie supposed to be coming out I dunno when? Because I will be all over that when it does. He does awesome action movies.

I hate the latest trend where they try to make fight scenes "chaotic and mimic the chaos of war and fighting" by shaking the camera and making things blurry till I want to find the director and puke on him. Hate, Hate, Hate!

That's great and all, but I'm trying to watch the movie and your quivering, geriatric camera-man needs to eat some Wheaties or hand the torch off. Shaky cameras drag me right out of the movie and make me see red.

Anonymous said...

Nah, Vin Disel wasn't in 10,000 BC. Tha came out a month or two ago on our side of the world.

Blackfire said...
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Blackfire said...

10,000 BC, although it sounds as though it is old over there, over here it is only fairly recent, and I am in love with it. It isn't one of those little crappy fight scenes, oh no, it is awesome, totally epic! Have you seen 300? If you liked that you will most likely like 10,000BC, well at least I loved it, so I think that says that I'm bias.

It takes us soooo long to get the movies that you guys have :( Though I have heard that the twilight movie is coming out, it sounds cool, looks like I will have to add the books to my TBR list, one of my friends has been nagging me to read them for ages. The only problem is, my TBR list is already so long! And although I am a fast reader, I always seem to get caught up in series, and I jump from book to book occasionally, it will take me a lifetime to complete my list, the hardest thing is I always add to it ^_^' You should see my bookshelf, I need to get my other one put up, I literally can't fit any thing else in it!

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