Thursday, January 26, 2012

Deep Breath

Ok, so I'm seriously considering finally submitting some of my short stories to places and seeing what comes of it. Frankly, it scares the piss out of me, not so much the rejection, I can handle that just fine, just... I don't know, the actual submitting itself freaks me out. Plus I'm not sure my work is really ready for it, but enough other people are saying so, so I will try and see what comes of it.

Now realistically, even if I was in a position to submit something tomorrow (I'm not) it will be months before I hear back from anyone, so don't expect updates on this anytime soon. :)

So, yea. Inhales.

Back to the never ending stream of homework.

1 comment:

Bohdan said...

Take a dep breath and do it! Your stuff is good!!!!

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