Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Things I forget To Post

The things is, I write snippets of things all the time. Sometimes they end up on this blog. Sometimes I revisit them and decide, "Mmm, no. Not gonna do it, wouldn't be prudent."* Sometimes I just lose them. Didn't mean to, but there you have it. If I'm lucky, I find it later. Like this one, which I wrote sometime during the semester's end. Here you go, in all its unfinished glory. :)

For Your Amusement and Edification While I'm Busy Plunging Into the Soul Sucking Vortex of Exams, Stress and Sleep Deprivation**

I can't remember where I saw it now, but some blog had a bunch of people pissing and moaning over the “state of language today.” * rolls eyes * Yea, because language has always been such a static thing up until now. Jesus.

One of the words they hated people using was actually. Apparently it irritates them to no end.

I use that word.

I use that word because I live in a world where I have to clarify these things. For ex. “That's actually interesting.”

Person A: “So then I told him he could jolly well jump off a bridge and get stung by hornets. Can you believe he said that to me?!”

What Person B says out loud: “That's interesting.”

What Person B was really thinking: “Oh my sweet fuck. Will you just shut up, I have a bottle of hard liquor and a STD I could be catching right now.”

Shit, I was going somewhere with this. Next up was an example with me using the word. It was funny, but I can't remember it now because:

I haven't been sleeping lately, I only have 20 pages finished of a 120+ page script, exams to study for, and I'm up at 5:45am every morning and I'm most definitely not a morning person.***

So, that was my blast to the past. Hope you enjoyed it, I know I did. Now I leave you with this strange image I wrote down somewhere around 3 am last night and can't draw myself, but totally would if I could. But might yet someday if I ever learn that there drawrin' thang.

A polar bear enjoying a nice, fresh croissant.

*Given the things I do deem to be postable, can you imagine what it must take to make something unpostable? For me?! Inconceivable!

**Would have been post title.

***And no, I won't fucking adjust eventually and the next person who suggests such a profoundly stupid and irritating thing gets their teeth shoved through their liver while I punch a pepperoni through their skull. Some people's circadian rhythms are naturally tuned to night, just like some people's are tuned to morning (with the majority being a little later in the day, but not the godawful early of “morning people"). There's piles of literature on it. Read it. Know it. Stop being a dick.****

****Goodness gracious I was angry there! Or at least grumpy. And clearly sleep-deprived. And tired of being told "You'll adjust to mornings."

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