Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Irritation is clicking on a link and failing to find the expected description of your book. You know, that thing you put hundreds of blood, sweat and hours into? That thing your hoping everyone will love and buy so you can quit your soul-sucking, over alcohol inducing, hate-fest of a job, live in your pajamas and write full time in the comfort of your laundry room.

Not having that description? Just lost you a potential sale.

Just because it's a sequel (or later) doesn't mean I know you. It doesn't mean I've read anything by you before. I may be completely new to you and your work. Not telling me what your book's about just encourages me to not pick it up.

There are thousands of books out there to choose from, don't give me more incentive to not choose yours.

Holy christ that irritates me.

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