Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I have been without internet for 10 days now. I will continue to be without internet for I do not know how long. I am displeased.

I was going to leave you with a snippet of something, but I left it at home. Where there is no internet. None at all.

Some people can live just fine without internet. I am not one of those people.


Blackfire said...

Poor Wolo! I know what you mean, I can't live without the internet either. I hope everything starts to get better soon! Good luck with your writing in the meantime ^^

Anonymous said...

We are the mere products of our generation. God knows I get bitchy whenever my internet connection is down for more than a minute.

I'm sorry about all the stuff happening lately Wolo and I really hope it gets better soon.

Wologal said...

@blackfire Thank you. Me too. So far bad things just keep piling on though. I'm still writing little bits at least!

@soleil. hehe we so are. it's been down for weeks now. WEEKS! Thanks, I really want 2009 to be a good year, maybe it's just taking jan to get all the bad stuff out so the rest of the year will be incredilbe? Everyone's gotta have a dream.

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