Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Interesting Article on The Brain


"The left side of the brain is generally in control of the following: language, math, and logic.

The right side of the brain takes over other functions, including: imagery, including facial recognition, music, and spacial relations."

---Got me thinking about correlations between certain things based on brain dominance. Do right brained people, feel differently about music? Stronger? More in tune with it? Does it mean more to them? Do they process music differently.

Some people only care about the lyrics of a song, others the music, others need the whole thing to be good to really enjoy it/get the most out of it. Does brain dominance make a difference in which one of those a person is?

Is the left-brained person more inclined to listen to the lyrics while the right-brained focuses on the musical sounds themselves? what about people who don't have one side significantly more dominant than the other? Are they the ones who need for every part of the "musical package" to be just right to work for them?

I don't have these answers. Hell I don't even know if these answers exist, but it's fun to muse and ponder. :)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

I Fucking Love This Site So Much!


Back to blog silence for now.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


I have to find a pair of low frequency noise cancellation headphones. Like, industrial grade good. I bought the kind you'd use for the gun range. Two actually. Both at the highest (31) rating I could find; cup ones and ear plugs, I even wore them together. Didn't work. You'd think they'd double the hearing loss. Not even fucking close. There was no difference between wearing one set and wearing both together. Apparently most ear protection is made to block high frequency sounds. Who knew?

I am at my wits end. I can't get anything done and I'm beside myself with frustration. And I realize this next bit is me (and I'm working on it), but by the time it stops, I am so worked up it takes me hours to calm down. That's hours after the hours I've have to spend listening to their clomp, clomp clomping. And it's always right during prime writing time, which just adds further insult to injury.

I cannot get any peace and quiet. I need quiet like most people need food.
Please, please, please, please, please let whatever I order come quickly.

UPDATE: So the low frequency ear protection is out because it won't help. It can't stop the vibrations, which is what's really being transmitted the worst from upstairs. Even with the earphones on the vibration is still going to come through physically. Even deaf people can "hear" vibrations which is why you can sometimes use it to get their attention.

I'm at the point where I've lost my ability to treat molehills like molehills. Everything is a damn mountain now thanks to stress, anxiety and lack of sleep. In light of that, I think I'm going to go into "radio silence" for a bit with the blog. I do not have anything nice to say and I don't want this to turn into some non-stop bitch-fest, no matter how well deserved.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Um, Saturday?

Really? Seriously, when did this happen? It's supposed to be Friday today. GIVE ME BACK MY FRIDAY!

But I have so much to do...

Friday, December 9, 2011


Apparently Youtube is broken for me now. I have changed nothing, but Youtube certainly looks different. Way to break yourself Youtube. Now go put yourself back to the way you were before. Working.

Still resisting Skyrim. For the moment.

Random Stuff

Here is a link.

I should be strong today. I should get stuff done, not spend the entire day in Skyrim. I should....
I have slayed dragons! I snuck up on a dragon!

I am a terrible hero. And compulsive collector of anything that isn't nailed to the floor (and believe me, I've tried to get those as well).

I have part of a post for this that I need to flog myself to finish and post because it's kinda funny (mostly at me).

My first inclination in almost any game like this is to raise my carrying capacity. Even before damage or armor. Why? So I can carry more stuffses! More stuffs is more monehs! And more flowers. More bowls, pots, armor, lanterns, emblaming tools, pickaxes, linen wrappings, ruined books and barnacles! I HAZ STUFFSES!

Dammit. I told myself yesterday that if I played then, I'd have to be productive today. But my will is weak... And the urge to avoid life is strong. And, and, and... there are internet dragons to slay. Because apparently one cannot play single player games without a mandatory internet connection anymore. Which is an angry, frothing, fist-waving rant for another time.

Perhaps I shall stare at animals I cannot afford atm. Soon animals. Soon you will be mine.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Essay! I Haz Beated You!*

I'm either going to collapse in exhaustion, or sink deep into Skyrim. I haven't decided which yet.**

*And by "beated" I really mean, am no longer able to pull the suck out of it. And there is a lot of suck still left in it. This lit course was hell and I did not do particularly well. I still have an exam, an in class essay and another paper to write for it. Fuck. Me. At least my short fiction class mark should be good.

**Ah, Poundy one and two are home. So, sink into Skyrim it is. Damn. I really wanted to sleep.
How can such a short essay be such a massive problem?! I have a clear thesis and everything! It's 1,750 words. It's by no means a long essay... but it's making my brain explode. If it wasn't worth a quarter of my mark I think I'd seriously consider not doing it just to be done with it already. But I have to do it, and it's due today. As in this is the very last fucking day to hand it in without extreme penalty (that I cannot afford markswise).

Dear essay word Gods. Here is your goat. I have sacrificed much to you. I humbly ask that you grace me with a completed essay that doesn't suck.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Go The Fuck To Sleep


I'm going to leave the "who it's narrated by" a surprise. You will not be disappointed. :)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The non-stop pacing was bad enough. Did we really have to add boots into the mix? Really?

Fuck. I am trying to study here, and finish up major assignments and, oh yea, sleep would also be nice.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The beauty of it.

The beauty of sharp knives is how damn sharp they are.

The problem with sharp knives is how damn sharp they are.

In other news:

I have seen the face of my enemy and they do not weigh the 600 pounds you'd expect based on how heavy they walk. And incidentally, their absurd OCD pacing lasted for 6 hours*.

There is no way I'm going to be getting a good night's sleep again, let alone the nights before my exams. I weep for the brilliance that could have been and never will.

See? See what lack of sleep does to me?

*No need to rub your eyes, you are not hallucinating. You totally read that right.

Friday, December 2, 2011

I Have Not The Words, UPDATED

I can't even begin to imagine what could possibly be causing the person above me to be either A) stomping back and forth for 2 solid hours, or B) pounding something for 2 solid fucking hours.

It is inconceivable. Either way I wish they would stop.

No seriously, what in the holy fucking hell could possibly require you to stomp back and forth about 5 steps for literally 2 or more hours nonstop? What. The. Fuck? I am feeling stabby. WARNING, WARNING APPROACHING RAGE STATUS. I REPEAT. APPROACHING RAGE STATUS.

Not even Skyrim can keep me from ignoring it for this long. I am at a loss. Could they maybe pass out from the strain already? Maybe some serious internal hemorrhaging. Thanks.

Wait. No internal hemorrhaging. I don't need blood seeping through my ceiling like some goddamn horror movie. Just a quiet slipping away into repose most gentle is fine. See how kind I am?

UPDATE: They are still doing it. Wow. Just... wow.

Also, the ceiling/floor divide is apparently paper thin as well because I can hear them talking and I'm pretty sure they aren't yelling or anything. As in, I can make out individual voice genders, and tone of voice and I'm not even actively listening. If I actually tried, I could probably tell you what they're talking about. This is beyond terrible.

I just want to say now that it's been lovely knowing you all and I hope you'll visit me in prison because there's no way this can possibly end well.

UPDATE the second: Still. Going.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Big Final Projects due, so of course my brain has a "Gone Fishin" sign!

Let's see.
Major projects due?
Urgent need to work on them tonight?
Too much energy to be sitting at a computer?
Check! Checkity, check, check!
Entirely too many distractions?
CHE- what? Oooo, shiny.
Desire to be anywhere but here right now?
Holy hell check.
Gonna be a long few days peeps. Wish me luck. No. Wish me mental fortitude and stick-with-it-ness!

I don't give a fuck how old it is Ride Cowboy Ride** is still amazing!

I really wish I had somewhere to go and something to do tonight. But this town sucks. A festering, unfriendly pile of nothing.

*for some reason that yes is creeping me out. Did it creep you out? Does it now that I've brought your attention to it? Will it haunt your dreams in strange ways? You're welcome. :D

**Old school Bon Jovi song.